Scientists Are Still Struggling to Understand New Pizzly Bear Creature
For years, people reported seeing strange looking bears in the Arctic. In 2010, an Inuit man came across one of the bears. It looked like a hybrid bear. A combination of a polar bear and something else. They wanted to do some research to find out how this bear came to be. Scientists are still struggling to understand new ’Pizzly Bear’ Creature. The bear was discovered in the frozen Canadian North along the coast of the Arctic Circle.
The Inuit people hunt polar bears. When the Arctic gets warmer, polar bears tend to spend more time on the land. This is because there is less ice in the water for them to stand on. This puts them in a human’s way to be hunted. Polar bears are great for their meat. The Inuit people use their fur for boots and pants. Since polar bears are vulnerable to extinction, new laws have been placed regarding hunting; however, the Inuit hunters till hunt them. Each year, the community gets a dozen tags for polar bears each year. This is how David found the incredible bea