Irish slave-traders preyed on Britain for 700 years. When will they be offering us reparations?
Britain was involved in the slave trade for less than 300 years, from the middle of the 16th century until the early 19th century. Ireland, on the other hand, was mixed up in the business for over 700 years. Britain was the chief source of their slaves. Dublin was actually founded as a slave-trading centre, as were the cities of Limerick and Waterford.
1 view
8 months ago 00:03:56 1
Sissel Kyrkjebø, Paddy Moloney & Kalle Moraeus - Shenandoah
1 year ago 00:05:04 1
Irish slave-traders preyed on Britain for 700 years. When will they be offering us reparations?
2 years ago 00:09:06 2
When African slave traders raided Britain and carried off the inhabitants at will