Panorama Space Dynamic Global Illumination (PSDGI) - UNIGINE 2 Real-Time 3D Engine

We have invented Panorama Space Dynamic Global Illumination (PSDGI) technology for UNIGINE 2 real-time 3D engine. Available starting from the SDK release, including free Community edition. Key features: * Great visual quality * Reasonable performance * Works with GPUs of various vendors * Takes emission materials into account * Good solution for open worlds We have added a new Raymarching mode for the Environment Probe light source. This is a far more advanced high-quality dynamic GI technique than any other solution used in UNIGINE before. This technology combined with the new spatial temporal denoiser is a huge step to a full-scale GI solution. Dive into the future of real-time 3D with UNIGINE 2! How to activate this feature:
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