Wu Ji (The Untamed) flute by Chen Yue 《无羁》(陈情令) 陈悦
The origin of this video/此视频来源于:
《风华国乐》/Fenghua Chinese Music, 08/27/2020
作曲/composer: 林海/Lin Hai
演奏者/flute player: 陈悦/Chen Yue
《风华国乐》是一档专注中国民乐的音乐节目,自中央电视台音乐频道2004年开播以来延续至今。栏目秉承传承民族音乐精髓,推广民乐新理念,推出了大量的民乐新人新秀。 栏目为以介绍中华民族传统音乐文化,展示民族音乐艺术家魅力为主要内容,集中展示了国内外知名的民乐演奏家及年轻一代民乐新秀。
“Fenghua Chinese Music“ is a music program focusing on Chinese folk music, which has continued since the launch of CCTV Music Channel in 2004. The program inherits the essence of folk music, promotes new concepts of folk music, and introduces a large number of new folk music talents. The main content of the program is to introduce the traditional music culture of the Chinese nation and show the charm of national music artists. (Google Translate)
Fenghua Chinese Music Playlist/往期《风华国乐》播放列表:
无羁(Wu Ji) is the ending theme song of the Chinese drama “The Untamed“ (陈情令).
Born in 1969, 林海/Lin Hai learned to play the piano at age four. 1988 he majored in piano at the China Central Music College and the next year he became the only and unprecedented Chinese nominee for the 8th Van Cliburn Musical Contest held in the U.S. In 1992 he began giving concerts in Taiwan and China and composed movie scores and TV drama scores. Now one of the most promising and successful Chinese pianists, he focuses on composing jazz and eastern new age music. As critics term it, Lin Hai is a genius who has “an easternized right hand and a westernized left hand“ and he plays improvisational jazz out of a disciplined classical background. He has also been described as having “the temperament of Chopin, as well as the languidness and elegance of Debussy.” ()
林海的微博/Lin Hai’s Weibo:
林海的油管/Lin Hai’s Youtube:
林海的抖音/Lin Hai’s Douyin: 51622926701
林海的B站/Lin Hai’s Bilibili:
视频仅供学习交流使用, 旨在公益分享优质资源,无任何商业用途。版权归原出版机构、影像公司及原作者所有。我标出了视频出处及作者,如有侵权烦请告知,我会立即删除并表示歉意。观众可选择去原网页播放视频内容。
陈悦,出生于浙江省杭州市,毕业于中国音乐学院,中国著名笛箫演奏家。现为中国音乐学院国乐系教授、硕士生导师。 六岁随父亲学习竹笛,十二岁成名,著名演奏家、教育家、南派笛子大师赵松庭先生的关门弟子。中国音乐家协会民族管乐研究会、中国民族管弦乐学会会员、中国竹笛专业委员会副秘书长等。自幼师从赵松庭先生、蒋国基先生,后师从张维良先生。
Chen Yue was born on April the 9th 1978, in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. She began her playing the traditional Chinese bamboo flute (dizi) as a child, receiving her earliest instruction from her father. By the age of 12, she was already a well-known local performer and was sent to study privately with the master teacher, Zhao Songting. In 1993 she entered the Middle School of the China Conservatory of Music, where she was admitted as an undergraduate in 1996. The next year she was invited by China Central Television to participate in the national celebration of Hong Kong’s retrocession to China. In 2000 Chen graduated from the China Conservatory of Music and was the first woman to receive a Master’s degree in traditional Chinese flute performance. While at the China Conservatory, she studied with such modern flute masters as Zhang Weiliang and Jiang Guoji. Following graduation, Chen began teaching flute at the China Conservatory. ( Chen/ wiki)
陈悦的B站/Chen Yue’s Bilibili:
陈悦的微博/Chen Yue’s Weibo:
陈悦的微信公众号/Chen Yue’s Wechat: 陈悦笛箫
陈悦抖音号/Chen Yue’s Douyin: chenyuedixiao
视频仅供学习交流使用, 旨在公益分享优质资源,无任何商业用途。版权归原出版机构、影像公司及原作者所有。我标出了视频出处及作者,如有侵权烦请告知,我会立即删除并表示歉意。观众可选择去原网页播放视频内容。
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