Hermitcraft 9 Episode 5: Decked Out’s REVENGE!

Hermitcraft season 9 episode 5! We start out big with our Minecraft let’s play ep 5 on the Hermitcraft 9 server with a massive starter treehouse base. The design of the survival base will be elven-themed. Once we complete the treehouse, I’ll build my dream Minecraft build. We start the episode by getting wings with Grian in the End and it goes surprisingly well. We come back to pick Tango from the secret Hermit fools prank dispenser for our April fools Hermit. We decide to make a parody of Decked Out from Hermitcraft season 7. It’s Ravagers revenge on Tango. I hope you like my April Fools joke on Tango and a Big thank you to G for making the Secret Fools game for us!
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