Danny Boy - 丹尼男孩(愛爾蘭民歌)

“Danny Boy“ is a traditional Irish folk song. The words are written by Frederic Weatherly in 1913. The melody comes from an older Irish tune called “Londonderry Air.“ It is usually interpreted as the boy going to war or an uprising, or it could just be a love song. 「丹尼男孩」是愛爾蘭傳統民歌。歌詞由弗萊德里克 維特爾利於1913年作。曲調用的是傳統的老愛爾蘭調。之後在愛爾蘭起義與一戰時期流行。如今作為愛爾蘭最具有代表性的傳統歌曲之一。 2020年電影「八佰」片尾曲 「蘇州河」引用的正是這首歌的曲調。 I do not claim copyright to this recording. 版權非我所有,歸屬於原演唱者。
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