Cooper MC Dougall Part 1 Reel 1 (1950)

Titles: “Messrs Cooper, Mc Dougall & Robertson present to Farmers.“ “Some facts about diseases of sheep and cattle and their treatment“. Part 1. Reel 1. MS The front door of the offices of Messrs Cooper, Mc Dougall & Robertson with their brass nameplate. MS Technicians inside a laboratory. Liquids bubbling in test tubes. Laboratory equipment and scientists at work. Men talking in a library. Titles say that advice is available by either post or a visit. A man reading a letter. CU the letter. MS A man comes to the door, he removes his hat and enters. He meets an advisor in an The shake hands and sit down to chat. Title “The Warble Fly“, one of the worst pests of cattle in Great Britain. CU flies displayed in a box. “There are tow kinds of warble flies in this country - Hypoderma Bovis and Hypoderma Lineata“ CU fly picture. Title page outlining the damage they cause to the farmer, butcher and leather industry. Title page regarding the eggs. CU Fly eggs. CU a section of Ox gullet with l
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