【米RISE】太陽系デスコ 踊ってみた!!【オリジナル振付】 - Niconico Video sm38464669

Good evening ~! ‼ This time I discovered a rare first-class star, so we danced together! Well, it was fun It was fun ✨ Please see here for a valuable video showing the situation (´∀ `) I have also entered the Nico Nico Net Chokaigi! Happy New Year if you support us a lot ♡ ◆楽曲本家様:sm30469574 ◆振付:米RISE ◆撮影・編集:きみどり メンバー こめ大臣( Mylist: せい坊( Mylist: 小麦粉100( Mylist: きみどり( Mylist: 米RISE 03/21/2021 12:00 Views 1,840
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