Murdered Officers Borne To England (1920)

Dublin, Ireland. Intertitle: “The MURDERED OFFICERS with full Naval and Military Honours the bodies were borne through the Irish Capital & embarked on the Destroyer ’Sea Wolf’“. M/S of soldiers and a cart carrying Union Jack draped coffin onto the ’Sea Wolf’, travelling from Ireland to England, pan to soldiers and sailors standing to attention as the cart passes. M/S of officers and soldiers, all wearing black armbands, saluting. L/S of pall bearers lifting a flag draped coffin off the cart, several rows of troops watch, all with their heads respectfully bowed. Panning shot over the heads of a crowd, all the men simultaneously remove their hats. L/S of the funeral cortege passing the crowd. Various high angled shots of the cortege - the coffins are given full military escort - pipers, horses, policemen and battalions of soldiers with rifles pointing to the ground. More shots of the heads of the dense crowd paying respects to the murdered officers. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ.
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