Peak Design Mobile Kickstarter Update #0012

We knew going into Mobile that it would be the most ambitious and challenging product line we’ve ever delivered. Throw in a pandemic, a quarantine, and the ultimate magnetic monkey wrench known as Apple’s MagSafe, and the difficulty level got cranked to Straight Up Biblical. Hofstadter, you dirty ole dog.* Join CEO Pete for a status update with some good news and some bad news. The bad news: there’s going to be about a three month delay in the delivery of Mobile. We originally estimated delivery for May 2021. It’s now going to be August 2021. The good news: This is going to be the best damn ecosystem of brilliantly engineered, delightful to use Mobile products that has ever been created. ---------- *Hofstadter’s Law- It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.
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