Caught By The Camera No. 61 (1935)

Titles read: “Caught by the Camera“. Various locations of events. In Vienna, Austria, we see several shots of a dog show exclusively for Fox Terriers, held by the Austrian Fox Terrier Club. There is a prize for the smartest dog in the smartest car - this year’s winner is a fine specimen! (He looks out of the window of a car with his mistress). More dogs are groomed and paraded around the ground. The champion is seen with a laurel wreath around his neck. Two dogs bark at each other and strain against their leads. In Philadelphia, United States of America, we see how a dishonest butcher can add weight to his scales by pulling on a piece of string attached to the machine. Men of the police department are seen smashing similar dodgy machines with hammers, and shattering milk bottles that do not hold a full pint. Balls of thread or string are unwound and checked for length; beer barrels are chopped up. In France we see fishermen catching Sturgeon fish that caviar is taken from. They haul a huge
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