Z is a real time strategy game made by The Bitmap Brothers and published by Virgin Interactive (among others). It was released on PC 1996.
There also was a release on Playstation in 1997 and on Saturn in 1998. An iOS port was came out in 2011.
I would say that Z is not your ordinary RTS game but that’s probably what made it attractive because instead of being just another average Command&Conquer or Warcraft clone they wanted to do something new and “special“.
Although the game has many cutscenes it has no real story that you can follow or atleast nothing worth general idea behind the game is the classic “Red vs Blue“ battle and it’s doing that with lots of humor.
Your basic goal of every level in the game is to get rid of your opponent. You can either do that by eliminating all his troops or by taking over his fortress. To do that you need to take control of various territories scattered over the map. The more territories you have the shorter the time will be to produce new units. Also some territories have radar stations or new factories that you can use to manufacture new troops.
The game plays much faster than other strategy titles and that’s mostly because the gameplay is pretty much “straight to the action“. There is no base building or resource management. The only “resource“ you have is the time it takes to construct new units. You need to be quick with everything you do and you are almost not allowed to take a break because the enemy will keep you busy. Losing a factory to the enemy which almost completed a new tank unit can in some cases decide your defeat (or victory if it was you capturing it). You are also able to destroy some of the terrain on the map. If your troopers have picked up grenades or you have a tank or some other heavy units you can pretty much blast you way through some rock walls and open new paths to attack the enemy. But remember they can do it too! ;)
Although there is not much more to it’s gameplay than that Z get’s very hard very quick. Even the first 3 levels can be pretty much a challenge for the average player and after that it just gets more complex as new units and vehicles are getting unlocked. I guess Z is more of a game for the experienced RTS players and even they can have a tough time with it.
There is also multiplayer support but I can’t tell much about it as I have never tried you want multiplayer battles I would rather suggest using a fan made version of Z which was specially made for multiplayer matches in mind. It can be found here:
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