Scott Ritter: “Russia Ending NATO’s Delusion - Ukraine Is Being OBLITERATED“

Scott Ritter: “Russia Ending NATO’s Delusion - Ukraine Is Being OBLITERATED“ In this hard-hitting analysis, Scott Ritter, a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer and United Nations weapons inspector, dissects the harsh realities of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, asserting that Russia’s military actions are effectively dismantling NATO’s strategic illusions. Ritter provides a critical examination of the military tactics and strategies employed by Russia that have led to significant setbacks for Ukrainian forces. Ritter argues that NATO’s support, while substantial, has failed to counterbalance the Russian military’s operations, leading to what he describes as the obliteration of Ukraine’s military capabilities. He critiques NATO’s initial underestimation of Russia’s resolve and capability, highlighting the implications of this miscalculation for the alliance’s future. Furthermore, Ritter discusses the broader geopolitical consequences of
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