Sari Gelin - Mehman Tagiyev (Azerbaijani Folk Song)

Sari Gelin is a famous Azeri folk song hugely popular around the world, particularly in Turkey, Azerbaijain and the Persian speaking countries (Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan) as well as Uzbekistan, Greece, Bosnia and Serbia to name just a few. There are many traditional versions of this hauntingly emotional melody. CREDITS Performed by Mehman Tagiyev Music: traditional Azeri folk song Guitar performed by Alishahin LYRICS Sari gelin Saçın ucun hörməzlər, Gülü sulu dərməzlər, Sarı gəlin. Saçın ucun hörməzlər, Gülü qönçə dərməzlər, Sarı gəlin. Bu sevda nə sevdadır, Səni mənə verməzlər. Neynim aman, aman, Sarı gəlin. (x2) Subscribe for more ► #SariGelin #AzeriFolk #FolkSong
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