「ALS」 Fade Out

[WATCH IN HQ!] My first mmv dedicated to my beloved studio Advent Lost Studios! \o/ Check it out! Especially all the other epic members: Do it. Do iiiiiiit. Just like the idea of this studio, this mmv is not very flashy (forgive me) but mainly focussed of the emotions and struggles of the characters, in this case Vincent, Gilbert, Elliot and Leo, because they break my heart and their storylines are amazing ;__; After all, even though Pandora Hearts’ beautiful art certainly helps, it’s the story that makes it so memorable! And this song was just perfect for it. It was actually recommended by a good friend of mine, so if she ever see this: bedankt voor de inspiratie, het is later dan verwacht, maar ik heb er toch wat van gemaakt ♥ /random Dutch ftw Enjoy it and let me know what you think! Please don’t ask for the song or manga because I WILL come after you with something sharp and painful. As sai
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