Early Russian Operas - Fomin, Davydov

Yevstigney Fomin (1761-1800) 1. The Coachmen at the Horse Stage-Post (1786) 0:00 Soloists and State Capella Choir of Saint-Petersburg; Saint-Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatoire Opera and Ballet Theatre Orchestra, Conductor Vladislav Tchernushenko Stepan Ivanovich Davydov (1777-1825) Lesta, the Dnepre Mermaid (1805), highlights 2. Tarabrar’s aria (act 1) 33:44 3. Vidostan’ aria (act 2) 37:16 4. melodrama (act 2) 41:41 5. Duet of Vidostan and Lesta (act 2) 49:30 6. Terzetto (act 2) 54:30 7. Ostan’s aria (act 2) 58:29 8. Overture to the ballet “Crowded Goodness“ (1801) 1:02:12 Soloists and Saint-Petersburg Philamonic Orchestra, Conductor Alexander Dmitriev
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