Stable Diffusion 07 Upscaling to Photorealistic Images

Images generated with Stable Diffusion most often are sized around 512x512 pixels. Viewing them on a HD or 4k screen they will look blurry or pixelated. To get a realistic photo the images need to be upscaled to say 2048. The best upscale results are achieved using 2x HiRes in txt2img followed by 2x in Extras. Quite a few upscalers are available by default, and many others can be downloaded, for instance via: With HiRes in txt2img a Denoising needs to be set. For Latent upscalers the best results are achieved with Denoise 0.5, with non-latent upscalers Denoise 0.3 renders good results. The prompt and settings used in the video are: secretary, (natural skin texture:1.3), glasses, fine golden necklace, blouse with lacy trims, sitting at desk, soothing tones, dim colors, insane details, intricate, elegant, soft cinematic light, cinematic look, 4k textures, sharp focus, low contrast, soft cinematic light, exposure blend, hdr, faded Negativ
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