Dis Raps For Hire - Episode 2

Buy this song on itunes here: @theepiclloyd I’ve been getting a ton of responses from the first DRFH. Seems like there is some major beef out there. Got this message from klojuey671 and felt like she was a bit out numbered. klo, I got your back. “Fear EpicLloyd I go to South High School and our school’s greatest enemy is Southwest High School. Majority of that school are snobby, rich, art white kids that claim they have more diversity then us. At our Soccer saturdays they threw water bottles at me and my friends (all of us girls)-- WITH water in them, then their cheer was “South is Filth“ as the Southwest athletics director told us to leave when we talked to some friends at SOUTH’S soccer game. let them know which school is better.“ - klojuey671 Thanks to the following people for kicking ass on this video: Bob the dog. Beat Pro
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