DCS World - F-14 Tomcat - Back Seat - RIO AWG-9 Tutorial

Today we are going to look at the AWG-9 Radar on the F-14 Tomcat and explore how it works and how to use it. Now, I’m sure you could go down a rather deep rabbit hole with this, but we are going to try to keep it high to med level. We will talk about the various systems systems and panels you will need to know... go over all of the modes and functions we should be aware of when using them, explore a few scenarios and examples of when and why you would use the various modes over others and just try to get a really good fundamental understanding of how to use the AWG-9 so you can get a good s...tart on your journey at becoming a RIO. 00:00:17 - Classic Volley Ball Courts 00:00:31 - Maverick Sighting 00:00:49 - RIO Pit Focus Overview 00:01:39 - WCS Modes 00:01:45 - Pulse Doppler Modes 00:02:57 - Hot Notch Cold DDD Visual Example 1 00:04:05 - Split S DDD Visual Example 2 00:04:45 - Hot Notch Hot DDD Visual Example 3 00:05:21 - Pulse Mode 00:06:55 - PD Search 00:07:19 - RWS
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