CTM 2021: MusicMakers Hacklab Input 1 – »From Games to Glitch« by Jamie Fenton

In the presentation, pioneering video game engineer and multimedia expert Jamie Fenton will talk about the art history of the Chicago scene and demonstrate how early glitch art is made. Jamie will also explain the workings of the point mutation glitcher (The Dice), which she developped for Olivia Jack’s visual live coding platform, Hydra. She may even add a few more features! The CTM MusicMaker’s Hacklab is an intensive weeklong collaborative environment, where Hacklab fellows, selected via open call, experiment and exchange to bring new musical ideas to life. Ahead of the Hacklab, two Input talks open to the public, are given by diverse experts in artistic creation and remote collaboration. This year’s speakers are Jamie Fenton and Ava Ansari. Hacklab fellows present then their work on day seven at a finale event. This year’s Hacklab is titled Off the Fovea, and hosted by Peter Kirn and Olivia Jack. This programme was recorded live on 14 January 2021 as part of CTM Festival
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