Chinese Engineers Made This...(Americans Won’t Believe it)

China’s high speed rail network is the world’s longest and most extensively used. By the end of 2022 China’s HSR network reached a total length of 42,000 kilometers (26,000 mi) and is set to reach a whopping 70,000 km (43,000 mi) by 2035 China’s HSR accounts for two-thirds of the world’s total high-speed railway networks. The “Dawan District“ shield machine is a super-large-diameter shield tbm tailored for the Pearl River Mouth Tunnel jointly by China Railway Tunnel Bureau and China Railway Engineering Equipment Group. It was truly an amazing experience to see this thing in person and actually go inside of it! China has been building an absolutely stunning amount of new infrastructure over the past few years, and the world is just won’t believe it. From bridges to highways to airports, China is doing an amazing job of making a mark on the world stage. From the massive bridges to the world’s fastest railways, China is putting the US to shame
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