[GRAPHIC CONTENT] Thai Police Shot in Head Amid US-Backed Violence & the Western Media Cover-Up

กรุณารอซับไตเติ้ลภาษาไทยอีกสักครู่ เมื่อการฝังซับไตเติ้ลเสร็จเรียบร้อยแล้ว กรุณาเปิดแคปชั่นใน YouTube (CC) แล้วกดเลือกภาษาไทย Late on October 6, 2021 a Thai police officer taking part in riot control operations in Din Daeng, Bangkok was shot in the head amid daily violence carried out by the US-backed opposition. The Western media and their local counterparts have not reported on this across any English-language media platforms. Bangkok Post only published an article in the afternoon ( ) the following day and focused more on the police raids following the shooting. I explain how the Western media is too busy lying about violence that took place half a century ago to report on violence taking place now. References: Pravit Rojanaphruk on Twitter: Pravit at Austrian “Townhall“ event:
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