Truman Speaks On Foreign Aid (1952)

Unused / unissued footage - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown. American newsreel titles read: ’PRESIDENT SPEAKS ON FOREIGN AID’. Washington DC, United States of America. M/S of President Harry S Truman seated at desk, making speech on foreign aid. He says “The mutual security programme is just what its name says. It is a way to get security, security against aggression and war, through mutual effort, through the effort of many nations helping one another. This programme is already in effect and it is working successfully. The Soviet regime will not achieve its dream of world conquest unless it picks off free nations one by one. The Soviet Policy is an old one, divide and conquer. Our policy is an old one too, in unity there is strength. To begin with, there is the contribution of straight military equipment and arms to help other nations to defend themselves, and thereby to help to defend us. Of the funds I have asked for, over 5 billion dollars, more than two thirds will go to
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