FOREVER HAUNTED BY THE MURDER OF LITTLE HIND Animated film shows the last moments of Palestinian Hind Rajab’s life before an Israeli tank gunned down a car carrying a 6-year-old child. The girl called the rescue service and spoke with the dispatcher for several minutes. After her death, a tank shell hit an ambulance sent to the specified address. According to a British forensic team, the car was hit by 335 bullets . They also concluded that the machine gunner “could not have seen the children inside the vehicle“ from the tank’s turret. The reconstruction of the events was made by TRT World TV channel No child should be murdered. The brutal way this beautiful little girl was murdered by zionist forces will haunt me forever. She endured pain and terror for hours.... Anyone who ’stands with israel’ is not worthy to hold any office of power. Boost here Please boost the channel Join IL RUSSO Join IL RUSSO Chat Source: ??IL RUSSO??
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