Classic 10 - 10th Power Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom

Welcome to the start of our classic powers count down. Each fortnight (Monday) I will release a new video, exploring a different power of the Mandelbrot equation. We will count down from 10 to 2. Each video will have classic escape time colouring (plus maybe a smidge of slope shading). This is a deep one, to start things rolling, in fact I’m pretty sure it is the deepest 10th power zoom ever made. It’s a bit repetitive, sorry, and not all the videos will be so long. I call this fractal the decabrot, but that is by no means an official term. The normal equation is z=z^2 c, but this fractal uses the equation z=z^10 c. The embedded Julia Sets all have 10-way symmetry, and there are lots of 10 way features to be found in this one. The fractal itself, and the mini-decabrots, all have 9 bulbs, which is an interesting contrasts. Thank-you to my supporters on Patreon. For Patreons I am hoping to publish reversed zooms of each of these classic videos. So you can enjoy zooming out if you pr
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