The Stunning Link between Caterpillar and Butterfly, Crisis and Resolution

A common interpretation of crisis is that it is a measure of disorder in the universe and that the more we endure the crisis, the more we are on a path to disorder. Is crisis, however, a fundamental property of nature? Or is there something deeper? The usual metamorphosis of the nature of reality is that we evolutionally develop from one state to another, such as the transition from caterpillar to butterfly. Many aspects of such development are hidden from a single person’s eyes, but the fundamental social transformations are always accompanied by the unrest of different kinds. Today, with the pandemic and all related events, we seem to be in one of such significant transitional phases. Our “caterpillar” system is no longer functioning as it used to function before. However, we need to be aware that the caterpillar has to die before the butterfly emerges. Our socio-economic organization is at the door of a great positive change. Though losing what we’re used to is not easy, we need to rise above our fea
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