Lion King, Circle of Life. Flash Mob for Parc Attraction Land, Paris 2019

[Disneyland Paris] Lion King - ’Gare Du Lion’ Surprise Performance! | Official Disney UK This is perhaps the best version I have come across. It has been created with an amazing love to detail. That’s why I want to share it with you. In both, picture and performance, I find it outstanding. Listen to it with quality sound and watch in full screen mode and you will notice the degree of perfection. Not to mention all the beautiful and talented people shown in this video. Enjoy! Lyrics: Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba [Here comes a lion, Father] Sithi uhm ingonyama [Oh yes, it’s a lion] Nants ingonyama bagithi baba Sithi uhhmm ingonyama Ingonyama Siyo Nqoba [We’re going to conquer] Ingonyama Ingonyama nengw’ enamabala [A lion and a leopard come to this open place] [Chant repeats] From the day we arrive on the planet And blinking,
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