Highland Gathering (1960)

Dunoon, Cowal, Scotland. GV. Cowal Highland Games arena. SV. Pipers marching past, they go out of picture revealing of Highland dancing competition in progress. SV. Highland dancing. SV. Scottish boys and girls watching. CU. Dancers dancing over swords. SV. Three small girls practising dancing on their own. SV. Stand containing prizes and shields. GV. Tug o’ war in progress, & SV. & CU. LV. Pole vault. CU. Judge, pan down to two wrestlers. CU. Competitor picking up caber he tries to balance the caber on his shoulder but it falls back and crashes on the ground. Pan to caber on ground having just missed some kit. LV. Another competitor trying to toss the caber but falls. LV. Massed crowds watching. SV. Pipers marching past camera. GV. Massed pipe band forming up in arena. CU. Piper. GV. Pipers lined up playing in arena. CU. Two pipers. CU. Hands on bagpipes. GV. Pipers playing in arena. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTAR
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