Humanitarians OR Tormentarians

Humanitarians OR Tormentarians? Why Aren’t They Doing Their Job? Europe first denied me Asylum, then it stole everything from me and because of my resistance to their oppression and suppression they weaponized Food and Water and are pursuing my total annihilation or absolute enslavement. They have forced me into starvation since 2020 and nobody is willing to provide humanitarian relief. UNHCR, which seems to be the only people with authority to find me protection in another country, not only refuses to do so but continues distorting the facts to evade responsibility. They are not responding to my practical propositions, while in the meantime Canada, the U.S. and Australia from whom I requested Asylum still want a referral from them. In my conversation with the UNHCR assistant representative last Friday I requested a five-way meeting with all of them. Find out more here: 👇 👉🔗 Your support would be greatly appreciated. Please Donate, sign the Petition and Share. 🙏💔🆘 #HumanRights #Justice #Freedom #Immigration #Refugees #Politics #Democracy #Petition #Crowdfunding #Philanthropy #Humanity #Help #HelpingHands #HelpingOthers #Europe #Greece #Greek #Athens #Canada #US #Australia #UnitedNations #UNHCR #OHCHR #AnwarNillufary #Hostage #HostageOfEurope
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