Lisa H P- Adiga Sheshan

Performed by Lisa Harshuk Pshepi Produced by Andy Abzah Greg Kotler For Kasafilms Video URL: The fresh and clouded mind of youth Circassians in Israel. It’s proud people are most steadfast in keeping their Circassians identity. The maidens are high-born and beautiful, and the noble lads are stalwart and beautiful. Circassian music The music of Adygea has a long history. Adygea is a republic in Russia. Recorded Adygean music began prior to World War I, when folk musicians across the North Caucasus and Central Asia were commercially recorded. Many of these musicians, including the Adygean Magomet Khfgfudzh, an accordionist, have become cultural heroes to modern inhabitants. Adygean music is closely related to Kabardian, Cherkess and Shapsugh music. The four groups are the main constituents of the Adiga (Circassian) nation. In the olden days, the musical lore was preserved and disseminated by the roving minstrels (Jegwak’we). Kafa is a piece with (4:4) time signature, and usually this piece demonstrates the relationship between the Challa (male) and the Pshasha (female), this relationship which is built out of love, cooperation and strength. Usually ’Kafa’ is the main piece to be played in a ’Djagu’ (a Circassian wedding or any Circassian gathering) and there are more than 100 kafas written by different Circassian artists. מוזיקה צ’רקסית מסורתית
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