Forging a medieval sword, the complete movie.

This video shows the forging and making of a late medieval sword from 5160 steel. It is the complete movie. The entire process of forging, hardening and constructing the blade and its handle is shown, together with sharpening and some testing on wood and mild steel. This sword is a 1,5 hand sword. It had a very good balance and gives very powerful blows. The sword measures 101 cm, the blade 79 cm. It weighs about 1,770 kg. The balance is very close to the grip, at about 8,5 cm. Due to its very tapped shape is has a very good weight distribution, when you hold it, the sword feels like you what to hit something with it. As you can tell I like this sword allot, so I think I will keep this one for my self as a working horse and use it to test prolonged abuse on blade and handle. The steel I normally use is 5160 steel, a low alloy spring steel, very tough and good to work with, it has the tendency to scale a bit but when forged rich using a low oxygen forge environment, scaling is much less of
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