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Историки раскрыли все тайны Хатидже и Ибрагима! Расскажем кто такая Мухсин-хатун!
Как Хатидже жила после смерти Ибрагима-паши? Что стало с их детьми?
Казнён как член Династии: историками названа главная причина убийства Паргали
Although it is generally believed that he was born in a village near Parga, which today is located on the border with Greece, and was brought to Istanbul at the age of six, there is no accurate information about the first years of his life
Also II. It is also rumored that during a raid during the reign of Bayezid, he was captured and presented to Shehzada Suleiman, who was in Kef, or that he was the son of a sailor from Parga, captured by Turkish pirates and sold to a widow in the vicinity of Manisa, and then entered the service of Shehzada Suleiman, who was in Manisa. The reliability of all this information is doubtful, but it is known that in his teens he served Shehzada Suleiman in Manisa (Uluchay, p. 249).For Iqbal and Ibrahim Pasha, whose power had reached its apogee, the Iraqi expedition against the Safavids was a turning point. During this expedition, during which he again came out with very great powers and the title “serasker Sultan“, he moved forward and entered Tabriz (25 Muharram 941 / 6 August 1534), then joined forces with the sultan’s troops and landed in Baghdad, where he was captured. During the expedition, he forced Defterdar Iskender Celebi, an influential and rather rich man like himself, with whom he had disagreements, to first release and then kill in Baghdad. This incident and the fact that he called himself Sultan, relying on his great powers, had a negative impact on the palace environment and the sultan. Ibrahim Pasha, who for some time after returning to Istanbul was engaged in preparing for the conclusion of the covenant given to the French on Shaban 942 (February 1536), was suddenly executed by strangulation for no reason on the night of 21-22 Ramadan 942 (March 14-15, 1536), when he was summoned to the palace for iftar. His body, recovered from the palace, was buried, according to Aivansarai, “on a free-standing suffa“ next to the Kanfed (Kanfez) lodge behind the shipyard in Galata (Hadiqat al-jawami’, I, 28; II, 39).
#ибрагимпаша #султансулейман #хюрремсултан
#ibrahimpasha #sultansuleiman #hürremsultan
Кто такой Ибрагим-паша из Паргали? Жизнь Паргали Ибрагим-паши
Хотя принято считать, что он родился в деревне недалеко от Парги, которая сегодня находится на границе с Грецией, и был доставлен в Стамбул в возрасте шести лет, точной информации о первых годах его жизни нет
Также ходят слухи, что во время набега во время правления Баязида он был схвачен и подарен Шехзаде Сулейману, находившемуся в Кефе, или что он был сыном моряка из Парги, взят в плен турецкими пиратами и продан вдове в окрестностях Манисы, а затем поступил на службу к Шехзаде Сулейману, находившемуся в Манисе. Достоверность всей этой информации сомнительна, но известно, что в подростковом возрасте он служил Шехзаде Сулейману в Манисе (Улучай, с. 249).
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