Retro Test 3 – Mack Superliner V8 | Time Machine

It’s a small blue box, and there’s a dog along for the ride, but this is no Dr Who Tardis – this is a true time machine, one that stirs the blood of its occupants, and everyone within a kilometre who has memories of a world less complicated! This is the third instalment of a semi-regular series we’ve called Retro Tests. We’re going to sample trucks from the great era that spanned the early 70s, through until the early 90s, roughly … there are no hard and fast rules. To some degree we aim to investigate just how far we’ve come (if we’ve come that far at all), but the main thrust is to have a bit of fun, go on a nostalgic trip, enjoy a few laughs, and rekindle some fantastic yarns and memories from a great period in our transport history that’s now gone. The main delivery media for the Retro Tests will be video, with print as the support – in other words, opposite from the magazine’s main test. We hope you enjoy watching and reading them as much as we do putting them together.
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