Sakuzyo - ∀rkadia Яesurrection Crossfade

Sakuzyo (削除) - ∀rkadia Яesurrection ♫ Circle: Sakuzyo ♫ Album: ∀rkadia Яesurrection ♫ Event: M3-48 Autumn 2021 ♫ Booth: 第一展示場 R-20 ♫ Produce: Sakuzyo(削除) ♫Illustration: 魔界の住民 ♫Violin : Katali ♫ Design: Reku ♫ Web: Tanchiky Website: ★Buy link: Diverse Direct: Tanoctore: Melonbook: Track list: 1.幻想郷顕現 [Яesurrection] 2.森羅万象 [The Universe] 3.戦戦兢兢 [Panic Panic] 4.奇々怪々 [Everyone doesn’t know] 5.唯我独尊 [I’m the only one] 6.栄枯盛衰 [Rise and Fall] 7.諸行無常 [All is vanity] 8.明鏡止水 [Clear the mind] 9.天上天下 [The Whole World] ★ Sakuzyo: Website: ​ Soundcloud: ​ Youtube: Twitter: ​ ★魔界の住民: Twitter: Pixiv: Soundcloud: ★ reku: Website: ​ Twitter: ​ Youtube: ★ Tanchiky: Website: ​ Twitter: ​ Soundcloud:
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