2023 -12 Здрава+Systema. The principle is “turtle“

Принцип - “черепаха“. Выводим напряжение из тела на поверхность, создавая панцирь как у черепахи, под панцирем в теле есть свобода, можем им двигать, используя силу соперника. The principle is “turtle”. We bring tension from the body to the surface, creating a shell like a turtle, under the shell there is freedom in the body, we can move it using the strength of the opponent. ⦿ БУДЕМ БЛАГОДАРНЫ ПОДДЕРЖКЕ НАШЕГО КАНАЛА ⦿ We’ll appreciate any support of the channel: • ⦿ НАШИ СОЦИАЛЬНЫЕ СЕТИ | FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Русскоязычные Русский/English • Instagram: • Facebook: Whose who are interested or doubt can always attend training and seminars at the Systema HQ in Moscow, as well as at numerous schools in almost all countries of the world, or invite instructors to your place.
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