THE NEIGHBORS’ WINDOW (written & directed by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Marshall Curry) tells the story of a mother (Maria Dizzia) who has grown frustrated with her husband (Greg Keller) and her daily routine. But her life is shaken up when two free-spirited twenty-somethings move in across the street and she discovers that she can see into their apartment.
(Marshall Curry’s other films)
NOTE: There are quiet scenes that work much better with headphones if you watch on a computer.
“Packs a powerful emotional punch... A model of economical storytelling.“ -The Daily Beast
“A delicate tale in which envy bleeds into empathy.... Unexpected and moving.“ -Filmmaker Magazine
Written, directed & edited by: Marshall Curry
Starring: Maria Dizzia, Greg Keller, and Juliana Canfield
Produced by: Jonathan Olson & Julia Kennelly
Executive Produced by: Elizabeth Martin
Director of Photography: Wolfgang Held
Music by: James Baxter & The National
This fictional film was inspired by a true story, told by Diane Weipert on Love Radio’s “The Living Room,“ produced by Briana Breen and Brendan Baker. You can hear the original story here:
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