Tomb Raider : The Angel Within [Full] Walkthrough

Tomb Raider Level Editor (TRLE) - The Angel Within Walkthrough Level By : Skyler Ortega Story Years ago, a man swore to his order that King Arthur would be slain. His order, agreed to outfit him properly, to hide his identity, and perform rituals on him. The main ritual is Soul Splitter. The Man chose his sword and, his slain opponent’s sword, to where his soul will be split and stored. This man, dressed in heavy black armor, marched with his order’s army against Camelot. A long battle was fought, as the battle ended to when it came down to the man, and King Arthur. According to some accounts of the villagers, King Arthur had asked to place a strange poison onto his sword. The man received a new name from King Arthur. The Black Knight. The Knight’s power and skill was unparallelly compared to King Arthur’s abilities. As King Arthur received the last lounge, the Black Knight’s troops stormed his fortress. But right as they begin marching, the knight begins to kneel over
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