ستجعلك القهوة والفازلين تبلغ من العمر18عامًا بغض النظرعن عمرك مقاومة الشيخوخة/اقوى كولاجين

Coffee and Vaseline will make you 18 years old, no matter your age. Anti-Aging / Strongest Collagen / Natural collagen for anti aging treatment and wrinkles, sagging skin / Coffee and Vaseline will make you look 18 no matter what age you are Anti-Aging The most powerful collagen, an effective anti-aging mask, because it removes lines from the face and wrinkles under the eyes and fights the signs of aging. In a bowl, put three tablespoons of coffee, add a cup of very hot water, let the coffee interact with the water for ten minutes, filter the coffee, put the remaining From the coffee aside the first step cleaning In a bowl put four tablespoons of coffee solution Add two tablespoons of milk. Milk is rich in lactic acid, which renews cells The skin moisturizes the skin, mix well, cleanse the skin With this solution with a piece of cotton, pass it on the face, as it is a natural cleanser To cleanse the skin with coffee and milk, renew the skin cells, stimulate blood circulation, produce the collagen that the skin needs, wash the skin for a few minutes, then rinse the face with lukewarm water. Use this lotion Every morning Suitable for all skin types Step two scrub One tablespoon of oatmeal powder, mash the oats or buy ground Oatmeal is an effective skin moisturizer that helps the skin maintain its youthfulness One tablespoon of sugar. Choose white sugar or brown sugar. It removes dead skin cells Gradually add the coffee solution, then mix the scrub layer On the skin for a minute, then wash the skin with water. Use this scrub twice a week The third stage, the mask. Three tablespoons of oats. A spoonful of honey. Combine the ingredients with the coffee solution. Mix well. Apply the mask on the face and neck, then wash the skin with cold water. Then spray the toner or rose water, then moisturize the skin with the next cream A quantity of coconut oil, add a tablespoon of rose water, a tablespoon of almond oil and an oil of your choice A tablespoon of Vaseline, melt the cream in a hot water bath, moisturize the skin with this cream Rejuvenates collagen in the skin, fights dry skin and aging, removes lines from the skin It is an effective coffee routine in combating sagging skin spots / anti-aging coffee to remove wrinkles and tighten the skin of the face and neck / an effective anti-aging mask because it removes lines from the face and wrinkles under the eyes and fights the signs of aging / baby oil with banana and coffee is a very effective formula in maintaining young skin / Anti-aging recipe to remove wrinkles and tighten them. Face and neck skin / eye wrinkles removal and forehead wrinkles removal
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