This tour began in Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago with my fusion trio. Then onto Finland via London to play with IceFish, and ending in South Africa for three memorable drum clinics. Here are some images from the tour, and 30 minutes of selected highlights from the two hour plus show, on the final night in Cape Town.
1:09 11/8 Drum&Bass Jam
2:15 11/8 Subdivision
2:40 Non Brewed Condiment (Holdsworth)
6:42 13/16 Subdivision
7:26 Drum&Bass Jam
9:38 Adding dotted 8th HiHat to 11/8 - Analyzing the Eleven groove from ‘In This Life’
10:49 Eleven
13:25 IceFish Your Eyes
14:48 A few thoughts on 3/4
15:20 Against The Clock (Holdsworth)
19:24 Solo - Drums - Improvised
Selected Questions:
24:49 Quintuplet examples
26:07 Voice Of Reason - Quintuplet demo
27:53 Rhythm Zero - Quintuplet demo
29:32 Eleven with click example
30:57 Phrasing - Left Hand and Kick