Top Secret Anti-Gravity Spy Aurora project - TR3b Black Manta - part 3
Ancient Aliens documentary and Recent Aliens Stories, UFOs Caught on camera
Could extraterrestrials be keeping an eye on the world? Find out in this UFO and Aliens documentary!
mysterious ufo videos from around the internet
“UFOs and Aliens“ of Red Stone explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth & the ufo phenomenon for millions of years.
ufo evidence
It has been reported by airborne observers as flying as high as 50,000 feet.
Some have reported the object to be triangular in shape.
Others have reported it as a single bright light with extreme acceleration abilities.
Some think it may even be an extraterrestrial craft that, the government has secretly obtained and is testing.
In August 1989, Chris Gibson, an oil exploration engineer, and former member of the Royal Observer Corps, was working on an oil rig in the North Sea, when he saw an unusual formation of aircraft pass overhead.
It consisted of a KC-135 tanker. two F-l 1 Is. and a fourth aircraft of a type that Gibson, (an expert on aircraft recognition) had never seen before.
Seen from below, it appeared to be a perfect triangle slightly larger than the escorting F-1 1 Is, with a leading-edge sweep angle of about 75 degrees.
It was completely black, with no visible details (unlike the F-l 1 Is, and appeared to be taking on fuel from the KC-135.
It is alleged that the Aurora craft is being designed, to replace the aging S R-7 1 aircraft used in top secret reconnaissance operations.
They also believe the code name for this project may be “Senior Citizen“.
The code name “Aurora“ came from a 1985 Pentagon budget report that because of a censor’s error.
unexplained videos history
most believable ufo encounters in history
We always believe that
The existence of intelligent alien creatures is a possibility. During the long history in the search for intelligent extraterrestrial life, many researchers have confirmed the existence of such alien beings that we call gray aliens, and some assert that this is not far from the planet Earth and may be very close on the moon
Many scientists interpreted of these UFO sightings that it came from extraterrestrial and how there is a high probability that it came from an intelligent alien civilization from space from somewhere in this vast universe
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