FR IN ES Meeting with GrandMothers for the event United for the birth of the new humanity

Information and registration en inglès : Dear Souls, From June 19 to 25 2024, the meeting dedicated to the waters and the opening of the Golden Portal will take place in Quillabamba, Peru. We need your help to bring this unique event to fruition. Every time we connect with the Golden Portal, we connect with our primordial energy and our inner divinity. We’re appealing to your generous hearts today to support the construction of the venue for Grandmothers and participants, the ceremonial temple and the access road. Each donor contributing to the co-creation of this new humanity will receive an energetic transmission from the portal, the guardian and the Grandmothers during a dedicated ceremony. This will also be a way for you to be present with us in a different form. And to connect with the energy of the Offering for a Sacred Place. Join us on this divine adventure, this journey towards reconnecting with your deepest essence. Your support is crucial, your energetic presence is essential. Together, let’s make every drop of water a symbol of renewal, healing and transformation. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity and love. With gratitude and light, Click on this link to participate in the fundraising campaign: The Birth Meeting Team video : Instagram: Site internet de la rencontre au Pérou Juin 2024:Rencontre internationale Unis pour la naissance de l’humanité 19 au 25 Juin 2024 au Pérou. Plus d’informations ici👇: Site Chrystal Luz:
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