He Died, Went to Hell, Saw Hitler & What Comes Next Will Shock You!

Real Near Death Experience Stories: =sr_1_1?keywords=real near death experience stories&qid=1649868170&sprefix=real near,aps,57&sr=8-1 Bryan Melvin, a self-described “militant atheist,“ died from a contaminated drink that caused cholera. At first he heard a wonderful sound and a voice from someone who he instantly knew as God. But God told Bryan that he could not enter Heaven for reasons explained in this video. Instead, God sent Bryan to a place that the inhabitants initially described as “paradise.“ But this wasn’t paradise, it was hell, and the deception of a homey veneer was soon exposed as a place so horrific that the mere mention of its surroundings could evoke terrible thoughts. Beings tried to devour Bryan as they clawed at him, but there was something Jesus had instructed Bryan to do in order to prevent his ultimate destruction. He viewed those who had been condemned to hell, peop
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