Battery Powered Portable ZX Spectrum! Omni 128 HQ Laptop - Hands On Test!
Join me as I take a look at the ZX Spectrum Omni Laptop. A self contained battery powered laptop manufactured from new parts. The internal board is designed by Don Superfo and the case is manufactured and designed by Djordje Mitic of Retro Radionics. In europe it will be available from .
The laptop can have up to eight roms installed, and features SE Basic by Andrew Owen as well as the 128k Toastrack Rom and the Amstrad 128k 2e.
This is a cursory look as we are all limited for time but I am very impressed with how this project has turned out and had a lot of fun with it. The Laptop is based on the Omni Desktop, which I also have and will be doing some further videos featuring.
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