National Anthem of Abkhazia - “Аиааира“

The national anthem of Abkhazia (Аиааира/Aiaaira/Victory) with lyrics in Abkhaz and English (AB/EN) ---------- - Abkhaz Lyrics: Шәнеибац, шәнеибац, Аԥсуаа рыҷкәынцәа. Аԥсны азыҳәан Ашьа казҭәаз, Аԥсуаа рыҷкәынцәа. Ахақәиҭраз Ашьа казҭәаз, Аԥсуаа рыҷкәынцәа. - Lyrics Transliteration: Šwnejbac, šwnejbac, Apsuaa ryč̣ḳwyncwa. Apsny azyhwan Aśa ḳaztwaz, Apsuaa ryč̣ḳwyncwa. Axaḳwitraz Aśa ḳaztwaz, Apsuaa ryč̣ḳwyncwa. - English Translation: March on, march on, sons of Abkhazia! Shed our blood for Abkhazia, sons of Abkhazia! Shed our blood for independence, sons of Abkhazia! ---------- Used Videos: - Abkhazia timelapse - Abkhazia Drone Showreel ---------- #Abkhazia #Aiaaira #nationalanthems ----------
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