The greatest combo in Ability Draft history

Lucky Shot Pudge Rot WD heal inside of Infest. In patch Pangolier got some interesting Lucky shot Buff. His passive now can also proc on any instance of damage dealt by Pangolier’s abilities. Pairing this ability with AoE damaging combo and Infest turning it into the greatest combo in Ability Draft history. Submit your clip / Manda tu video/ Предложи свой клип: ● Dotabuff link: Submitted by: rainbowop #DOTA2 #AbilityDraft #Xmark Hey guys, X-Mark here. The whole channel idea is to show you some good and sick ability draft builds and games. That’s it. I just like to share with you something i found interesting and funny to play. I’m not that funny or creative. I love Ability Draft and want it to live long and stay cool.
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