Chinese New Year Performance: ’The Quiet, Peaceful Melody’ |《喜兔贺新岁》新春特辑:舞蹈《清平调》| CNODDT

Artists: Dance Drama Troupe, CNODDT “Her robe is made of clouds and her face is made of flowers; caressed by the vernal breeze, freshened by the morning dew.” With elegant and stylish movements, the female group dance, “The Quiet, Peaceful Melody“, recreates the heavenly beauty of the legendary concubine Yang Yuhuan with the everlasting charm of dance and music, along with the glory and prosperity of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). 演出:中国歌剧舞剧院舞剧团 云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。 女子群舞《清平调》淋漓尽致地展现了唐朝古典舞之美,再现了大唐贵妃的风华绝代、国韵乐舞的轻纱曼妙、盛世王朝的花团锦簇。 Follow us! Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Dancing China YouTube: TikTok: @cnoddt_dancingchina #ChineseNewYear #YearoftheRabbit #ChineseCulture #Dance #Choreography #Dancer #ChineseDance #PerformingArts #DancingChina #CNODDT #中国歌剧舞剧院 #ChinaArt #ChineseCulture #China #Theater
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