10 Soviet Union Engineering Achievements

Obviously, there are more than ten inventions from Soviet Union as well as Russian Empire era. Subscribe us: ▶ YouTube Channel: ▶ Our Tweets: ▶ Facebook page: ▶ Tumblr: ▶ Google page: Here are ten great Soviet Union engineering facts: 10. VA-111 Shkval (ВА-111 «Шквал») introduced in 1970s, it is the first torpedo to use supercavitation which helps it to cruise at speed of 230 mph (370 km/h). 9. Orbita (орбита) First ever national satellite television system in the world by utilizing Mulniya satellites. Successfully tested in 1962 using Orbita satellite. However, it was full operational in 1967. 8. Nuclear-powered icebreaker (Атомный ледокол) The best kind of icebreaker. Effectively better than diesel counterpart due to lightweight. USSR/Russia are the only place produced it. 7. Antonov An-225 Mriya (Антонов Ан-225 Мрія) The longest and the heaviest airplane ever made. Initially built to piggyback Buran, Soviet answers to USA’s space shuttle. However, Buran remains a prototype and now after USSR ended, this 6 turbofan engine use for carrying oversize payloads around the world. 5. Sputnik 1(Спутник-1) First ever artificial satellite. Launched from Boikonur Cosmodrome into low Earth orbit on October 4th, 1957. This success launch created panic in USA called ’Sputnik Crisis’ which also triggered Space Race. 4. Vostok 1(Восток-1) Another event that panicked USA and its allies. Soviet managed to send its astronaut into space: Yuri Gagarin on Vostok-1 on 12th April 1961. 3. RD series rocket engine (Ракетный Двигатель) Developed during 1960s, multi-staged rocket burning system beat any US-made in terms of energy efficiency. Due to this fact, after USSR, few engine models such as RD-170 and RD-180 are used in many NASA rocket such as Atlas. 2. Ilizarov apparatus (Компрессионно-дистракционный аппарат) used in orthopedic surgery to lengthen or reshape limb bones. In 1971, Ilizarov Center was purposely established for orthopedic and become the world largest orthopedic medical research center. 1. Ostankino Tower (Останкинская телебашня) In 1960s, Soviet government found themselves in need of broadcasting system in the middle of Moscow. Since the nearest mountain/hill is 300 miles away, they decided to construct 1,772 feet (540.1 m) high television and observation tower in Ostankino. The tower became the tallest tower in the world between 1967 to 1975. CC BY attributions: tuning-drive, Серёга Сучков, yolkhere, RussianMarshal, ?????? Александр Травин, Kārlis Dambrāns, , Antonov Company, Kurdishstruggle, kamran7710, Marcin Wichary, greenacre8, Brigitte Bailleul, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Edoe, U.S. Navy, Andrea Martinez, Олег fok2501tv,
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