200 Stab Wounds - Hands of Eternity (Official Video)

Buy here: The themes on “Manual Manic Procedures“ run the gamut of classic gore-metal horror subject matter, beloved to the band and their rapidly growing audience. “I’ll feel what kind of vibe the song has, and what topic would fit for that particular song,” vocalist/guitarist Steve Buhl explains. “The last song on the new record, ‘Parricide,’ is about someone going into a nursing home, and just blowing it up. The lyrics are about those type of corporations that don’t really give a fuck about those people. It’s all just a money grab.” The lead single is “Manual Manic Procedures’“ opening track, “Hands Of Eternity.” Buhl explains that the song is about being trapped in your own mind, something most of us can relate to. “That song is a good example of where we want to go musically. The heavy riffs are there, but there’s still a lot of good melody. It’s not just crazy fucking blast beats and, ‘riff riff riff.’ It’s more structured, groovy, and melodic, but still heavy. That’s one of my favorites.” 200 STAB WOUNDS: Steve Buhl – vocals, guitars Raymond Macdonald – guitars Ezra Cook – bass Owen Pooley – drums “Manual Manic Procedures“ Track Listing: 1. Hands Of Eternity                                   2. Gross Abuse                                 3. Manual Manic Procedures                         4. Release the Stench                     5. Led To the Chamber/Liquified               6. Flesh From Within                                 7. Defiled Gestation                               8. Ride the Flatline                                   9. Parricide   Facebook: 200StabWounds Instagram: 200stabwounds Twitter: 200stabwounds “Hands of Eternity“ lyrics: Music - Buhl Lyrics - Buhl / Cook In your peril, you regress Putrid insides, rot into your death Beg and plead, you’re never free The tons of blood You free your soul Chains grip grows tighter and tighter You feel flesh drip beneath the fire To survive you victimize There’s none to blame, you feel your shame Flames grow in circles wider and wider, they throw me in Gathered in masses for all to see Razors edge slicing me eternally One time you fight the pain, immortal shame, all the same Brutalize, piercing cries, escaping through the swarm of flies Pusing seep of agony Swallows me up to my knees Slip into obscurity Gurgle Char Dissect Digest Embalmed, you’re gone Feeling the sword, feeding with gore Under blasphemy of god Reeking Decomposed
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