How Does Floyd Mayweather Run? Learn Learn How to Run like Mayweather (Pain Free Running)

► My jump rope paperpback fiction book: I’ve made a few videos connected with running and boxers. Since I get asked questions from time to time about running technique, I thought this video was appropriate. I learned proper running technique from watching videos of Floyd running. You see, a few years ago, when I took part in a challenge which involved daily running, I experienced pain basically every day. I tried many methods to alleviate the pain including stretching, foam rolling, warm-up and cool down drills, hot and cold soaks, etc., in addition to trying different running strides, foot striking patterns, etc. But the pain persisted. Then one day, I had a lightbulb moment. I often listened to Floyd Mayweather speeches on my runs. And, I thought, “wait, a second…Floyd Mayweather and other boxers run a ton. Floyd doesn’t have a typical long distance runner’s body….If I want to learn how to run injury free, why not study Floyd’s form since he
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