Naval Cadets (1959)

L/S of an unusual boat - a composite sloop. It is the training ship “Mercury“ which is moored in the river Hamble. Camera pulls in to show the masthead of the ship. Nice sequence showing young Naval Cadets sleeping in hammocks on board ship being woken from their dreams by a bugler. Various shots of the boys as they train for a life at sea. A class in practical seamanship is conducted by Mr Pittock - ex Royal Navy. Some of the boys work on a model of a yacht, others secure anchor chains. Boys are taught how to steer ships, navigation skills, etc. Various shots of the boys at work. Exterior shots - boy paints the sloop. M/S of young boy steering a launch with two officers looking on. The launch pulls into the side of the Mercury. The cadet in the bows raises a stick in salute. C/U of the prow of the ship. The Captain Superintendent of the school, Commander M.S. Bradby is ceremoniously piped aboard. M/S of commander checking fire extinguishers - fire drill. Gun drill. Views of the boy
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